Ream Family Makes Life-Changing Announcement!

Dale and Kim’s youngest and his wife announced that they are expecting a baby girl in May. This historic event shook all those who attended the family Thanksgiving Dinner in Georgetown last month. When asked what they would name the child, they declined to answer, leaving all to suggest names that ranged from the common to the absurd. At this point, all we can do is pray for health, peace and provision for the soon-to-be trio. Here is their Facebook announcement…

Ha! That news lead was fun to write. It truly is news of epic proportion. Our current grandchildren, ages 12 and 17, are too big to cuddle. Well, to be honest, the oldest has never been a cuddler and the youngest still likes to cuddle! Ha!

The couple was very sneaky about the way they made their announcement. We were all seated in the living room watching a recap of their recent trip to Italy when at the end of the video, a photo of a recent ultrasound filled the screen. I was literally speechless with my jaw hanging unbecomingly slack. We are all very excited for the couple and look forward to the remainder of the pregnancy and coming of our granddaughter.

In Other News

Dale and I celebrated our 58th birthdays and our 32nd anniversary in November. At this moment we are currently in Raleigh, North Carolina while Dale attends meetings at his company’s headquarters building. We extended the trip through the weekend to celebrate these milestones. We will be visiting many of the areas where we lived. Dale and I met and married in NC and all of our kids were born here.

Our traditional visit to the Elgin Christmas Tree Farm took place the weekend before Thanksgiving. We always enjoy finding and cutting our own tree, and we are so happy to make the trip with two of our kids. We always take time to play tetherball, or at least the boys do. Afterwards we had BBQ at Southside.

As I mentioned earlier, we hosted Thanksgiving at our home. I think it may be the first time we’ve had all of them together in our home. Unfortunately, grandma was feeling poorly, so she and grandpa weren’t able to make it. But we enjoyed having Aunt Michelle, Tom & Susan, and Kathy with us. It was a very good day. The Js and their dog Pacho stayed the whole weekend with us. That was very nice. The highly anticipated Aggie – Longhorn game was played on Saturday with the Horns winning.

The first week of December Dale and I spent a few days in Argyle hanging out with the grandkids. It has been so nice seeing them again so soon after Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, our granddaughter was sick and missed Argyle’s football playoff game, which they won. Before the game Dale and I attended our grandson’s band concert. The band, which is sixth grade only, is so large it is split into two classes. This concert was the first time the whole band has played together. Enjoy this clip of the performance. It is so much better than their first concert just two months earlier. These kids learn so fast!

In addition to these highlights we lived every day life. Dale worked hard, I volunteered at a local elementary school, Subie got new tires, we concluded premarital counseling with two young couples, we voted for a new president, we attended church, visited with friends and so much more. So thankful for all that God has given us.

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1 Response

  1. Lauren Viljoen says:

    Congratulations on the baby in progress! I pray for Dallas, Adrian, and Baby Girl Ream.

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