Smith Rock State Park

On our third Saturday in Bend we headed about an hour north, near Terrebonne, to explore a very unique state park called Smith Rock. I think it is unique because of the extreme focus on it has on rock climbing. There are several thousand climbs in the park, including more than a thousand bolted routes. They also have a walk-in bivouac area for tents so that climbers can just pitch a tent without making a reservation in advance. There is also a lovely river that flows through the park where we saw river otters frolicking.

In addition to climbing, there is plenty of hiking and biking opportunities. Dale and I opted for the loop trail that follows the river, rather than a more strenuous hike up Misery Trail. I think the names says it all. I’m looking for enjoyment, not a gold medal! Ha ha! We ended up walking over six miles. And, it was hot! It was just over 80 degrees! Okay Texas friends, I know that’s not hot, but at 3pm in direct sun with dusty trail dirt all over us, it felt like an oven.
We then hightailed it back to Bend for a dinner reservation at a popular Thai restaurant.

Heat index 109 right now! I was highly cooked bringing in trash can! We don’t want to hear your 80s. Hahaha
I know! I feel bad for ya’ll, but just a little bit.