We’ve Been Homeless for One Year!

It’s hard to believe we sold our home a year ago today! Overall it’s been a really good year. The positives have outweighed the negatives for sure.
On the day we sold our home we had a plan in place for where we would live for the next six months, so there was a high level of comfort and confidence. At the end of those six months, we planned to be back home in Central Texas for the holidays and to plan our daughter’s wedding. Our visit home lasted almost six months. Half of that time was spent with family and friends, and the remainder in Airbnb’s. As I write this we are back on the road and staying in Utah.
Here are some of my conclusions about our first six months of being nomads.
Lived Like a Local in New Places

Because we stayed for one month in each location, we almost felt like a resident more than a visitor, especially once we figured out which grocery store to use and what church to attend. We had the opportunity to see so much more than a short trip allows. We were even able to do our favorite things more than once! I’ve also become somewhat of a guest organizer because a few of the places we stayed in had outdated foods, unorganized drawers, etc.
Enjoyed Quality Time With Family, Friends

When we lived in Central Texas we visited with family and friends for a few hours at a time. However, when we “lived” with friends and family we really got to spend “quality” time with them! Probably more time than they were prepared for!
Dale and I are so blessed to have people in our lives who welcome us into their homes. We always enjoy spending time with our kids in North Texas. We also stay quite a bit with Dale’s sister, Michelle, who lives in a 55+ apartment community. Dale’s parents have an apartment there too. Michelle is such a gracious host and all of her friends at the complex are so kind. It’s like staying at a resort! The Chambers’ door is always open to us and we enjoy staying with them too. It’s been a while since we’ve lived with a toddler! Tom and Susan Matthews, have also graciously invited us to holiday get togethers at their home several times. They are such a great addition to our family (parents of my daughter-in-law). There are others who have opened their homes to us as well, we are so thankful.
Made New Friends

Most of the homes we stayed in were part of someone else’s home which allowed us to get to know our hosts fairly well. In Asheville, we interacted with our hosts quite a bit and even made friends at church. One couple even invited us to lunch after church! In Massachusetts we lived in the back of a home built in the 1830s and I frequently sat on the home’s big front porch. That host was super nice. In Maine, our hosts brought fresh lobster to our apartment and cooked it for us! And lastly, on our way home from Maine we went to a three-day retreat at the Billy Graham Retreat Center and some of the folks in our group became our friends very quickly. I should also mention the friends I’ve made while attending an online Bible Study each week. We just finished the semester, but I look forward to being with them again in the Fall.
Spent Time in Some of the Most Beautiful Places

I can still hardly believe we are visiting places I never thought I’d see. The Appalachians and Acadia are two of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen. The many historic battlefields. roads and trails we visited are beautiful as well. Sometimes I feel like I will explode with joy and gratitude. Even here in Utah, though we’ve only been here just over a week, has wowed us.
Missed Spending Time With Family

The hardest part of traveling is being so far from family. I’m thankful that our children are independent and happy. I’m also thankful Dale’s parents are doing well.
For the 20+ years we lived in Round Rock we enjoyed having family and friends over for dinner and holiday celebrations. I would say I miss this the most. I can imagine that my Crockpot is lonely in our storage unit! Haha! I hope one day to have a home that allows for family and friends to visit.
Dale and I have not regretted selling our home and traveling. God has provided in every way. We keep our eyes on Him. We will be traveling for a few months along the West Coast, then back home to Central Texas. After that, who knows? We are open to suggestions …
Howdy! I am catching up on your posts since you left. There are days my laptop seems far far away. When I get to it, I have many emails to follow up on. I am enjoying you sharing life with us. I pray for a sweet time together for you and Dale, for safety as you travel, and for you to have opportunities to share Jesus’ love with others as you sit down, rise up, etc.