QuikTrip: West Asheville Baptist & The Cove
On Sunday morning we visited a church just a mile or so from our home and Sunday evening we went to the “The Cove” which is Billy Graham’s Training and Retreat Center.

West Asheville Baptist – I have often said that as a Christ follower I feel welcome and at ease in just about any Bible believing church, and that is just how we felt at West Asheville Baptist Church. It looks very much like Round Rock’s First Baptist Church, but a bit updated. There was a traditional choir and special music (a duet), which we haven’t experienced in a long time, as well as a large variety of brass, strings, woodwinds, keyboards, etc. The pastor clearly stated that if you aren’t obeying the Bible your are living in disobedience to God’s will for your life. I was glad to hear this. I had researched the area for solid churches, and I must say it wasn’t easy to find in Asheville. We also enjoyed the Lord’s Supper with them, which they do quarterly. Very friendly people. I think we’ll go back this Sunday even though we had planned to visit different churches.

The Cove Training and Retreat Center – Sunday evening we went to The Cove for dinner and to hear special music by Michael Card. I had discovered The Cove, and this event, while doing research for this area. We purchased our tickets months ago and I’m so glad we did! The conference center was full of folks staying the week to participate in a Bible Study being lead by Michael. I was vaguely aware of Michael Card. He has written over 400 songs and authored many books. One of his more well known songs is “El Shaddai” which was so popular in the 90s. (Click on the below audio clip from the event to jog your memory.) I remember our youth group at our church in Jacksonville, NC did an interpretive movement routine to that song. It was the thing at the time! He is such a talented musician and composer, I can imagine his Bible studies are good as well. Everyone we encountered was so friendly and we all chatted like old friends. I think Dale and I were some of the youngest ones at the event!
So, there you have it. Another good day in Asheville. Thank you Lord for our many blessings!
Another heart warming blog! Such great experiences! It’s so wonderful how y’all are able to have this adventure in your life. You are truly blessed my friend! Praying for y’all!