Tagged: Maine


A Few More Photos From Maine

I want to post a few more photos from our Maine adventures. We are currently in Williamsburg, VA heading to Raleigh, NC when Dale gets off work this afternoon. We have a seven-day pet sitting gig starting tomorrow! We spent a wonderful four days here in Colonial Williamsburg. I’ll tell...


QuikTrip: Cozy Camden

For our last Saturday in Maine we decided to do something we haven’t done once during this entire trip … go window shopping! We didn’t buy any windows, but we found a few items for the kids. Ha ha! All of our excursions during the past four months have been...


A Tour of our Maine Home

We have less than a week left in Maine, then we are headed back to North Carolina for a couple of weeks, then home to Texas! It’s hard to say which of the places we’ve visited has been the “best”. They are all the best in one way or another,...


We Made it to Maine!

Currently Dale and I are sitting in the local Subaru dealer in Saco, Maine getting our car’s routine maintenance taken care of. Moon Rover (our name for our Subara, haha) is more than ready for its first checkup. We are really enjoying our Outback. Plus everyone we’ve interacted with at...