Tagged: J+J


One Month Until the Js Tie the Knot!

I don’t know where to begin. How do you condense months of planning and dreaming into a post? I don’t think it’s possible. Nevertheless, here I go. This is my second daughter to marry, and my son married less than two years ago. So, I’m no stranger to wedding planning....


Answered Prayers, Wedding Date Set!

We had one week where Dale, J and I would be together before leaving on our trip. I hoped, and prayed, that God would provide two things: a dress and a venue. He gave us both. All glory to Him for these gifts. If it had not happened, we would...


A Proposal is Accepted!

On June 3, atop a foggy mountain peak near Asheville, NC, our soon-to-be son-in-law asked J to marry him. The weather may not have cooperated but it didn’t seem to dampen the occasion. Dale and I are looking forward to hearing all the details when we see J later this...