Category: Travels


Camping in the Tetons, Driving Through Yellowstone

Warning, this post is extensive! I have been slowly working on it for days. Often the biggest part of keeping my blog updated is downloading my photos from the cloud, selecting and sizing the best ones, then uploading to my blog platform. It is so difficult to pick the best...


Hoodoo: A Column of Weathered Rock

… also called a tent rock, fairy chimney, or earth pyramid; a tall, thin spire of rock formed by erosion. Bryce Canyon National Park is the number one place to see these geological formations. You can also find hoodoos in other places in the United States, and around the world...


“We’re Marching to Zion …”

That title will make sense to my old school Southern Baptist friends! Dale and I did a lot of marching around Zion (National Park) last weekend for sure! The park is only one hour away from where we are staying in Cedar City. We headed out after church on Sunday...


We’ve Been Homeless for One Year!

It’s hard to believe we sold our home a year ago today! Overall it’s been a really good year. The positives have outweighed the negatives for sure. On the day we sold our home we had a plan in place for where we would live for the next six months,...


Kolob Canyons Hike & Extreme Disc Golf

Dale and I were really looking forward to our first weekend in Utah, and it did not disappoint. We watched the weather all week, hoping for a beautiful weekend, and it was indeed gorgeous. Taylor Creek Trail at Kolob Canyons Saturday morning we slept in a bit, grabbed some coffee...

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Moon River West: Ventura

The things that will come… We are headed west! We are calling our next trip, which kicks off at the end of this month, our “ventura” adventure. Ventura is from Latin ventūra which means “the things that will come”. This definition feels very appropriate and applies to more than our...


A Guided Personal Spiritual Retreat at The Cove

While we were in Asheville this past July we attended a dinner and concert at The Cove Training and Retreat Center. (You can read more about that here.) I had never heard of The Cove prior to that. After looking at the list of events they offer, Dale and I...


Our First Pet Sitting Experience

After leaving Williamsburg, Virgina we headed to Durham, North Carolina to take care of a sweet dog and elderly cat for a lady going to Europe on vacation. It was a week-long gig that provided lodging for us while we waited to attend a retreat at “The Cove” in Asheville...


Our Trip to Colonial Williamsburg, Yorktown and Jamestown

We left Maine the morning of October 28 and began our journey south towards Williamsburg, Virginia with an overnight stay in Wilmington, Delaware. We arrived to Williamsburg the afternoon of the 29th and immediately headed for the Colonial Williamsburg Visitor Center. Our plan was to gather information for our next...


A Few More Photos From Maine

I want to post a few more photos from our Maine adventures. We are currently in Williamsburg, VA heading to Raleigh, NC when Dale gets off work this afternoon. We have a seven-day pet sitting gig starting tomorrow! We spent a wonderful four days here in Colonial Williamsburg. I’ll tell...