Category: QuikTrip

Short jaunts that are worth mentioning.


QuikTrip: Cowboys Training Camp

On Monday of this week we got up early and retraced our route back to Oxnard, California to attend Dallas Cowboy Training Camp. We had not originally planned to do this, but when Dale realized how close we’d be while in Anaheim, he took the day off so we could...


QuikTrip: Point Bonita Lighthouse Tour

Our last day in Napa we headed back to San Fransico for a guided sunset tour of the Point Bonita Lighthouse, which is located at the entrance to the San Francisco Bay. We were hoping to get a good view of the Golden Gate Bridge too, but once again, it...


QuikTrip: Trillium Falls Trail

Our first Thursday in McKinleyville, California we headed a half hour away to hike the Trillium Falls Trail. It was the perfect choice for our first deep dive into a Redwood Forest. Not only was it extremely beautiful, it was easy to access and had plenty of parking (which is...


QuikTrip: Hidden Treasure Near Mount Bachelor

Mount Bachelor looms large in the distance almost everywhere you go in Bend, so Dale and I agreed we should check it out, even though it is primarily used for winter skiing. When we arrived we found a hive of mountain bikers buzzing around the parking lot and trails. There...


QuikTrip: Sahalie Falls & Clear Lake

For our last Sunday in Bend, we headed to Sahalie Falls and Koosah Falls, which are located an hour away, along the West Cascades National Scenic Byway. It was a short but very beautiful trail, with two waterfalls more stunning than any of the other falls we’ve seen (and that’s...


QuikTrips: Sisters Rodeo & High Desert Museum

Our first weekend in Oregon was an eventful one. On Saturday morning we drove half an hour northwest to the small town of Sisters for the Rodeo Parade. I was also able to get tickets to the rodeo for Sunday afternoon, so we headed back to Sisters after church the...


QuikTrip: Kanarra Falls

We hiked in a slot canyon! Months ago when we were planning this trip, we planned to hike one of the most famous slot canyons in the country “The Narrows” which is located in Zion National Park. We were so excited, but it was closed due to high water. We...


QuikTrip: Cozy Camden

For our last Saturday in Maine we decided to do something we haven’t done once during this entire trip … go window shopping! We didn’t buy any windows, but we found a few items for the kids. Ha ha! All of our excursions during the past four months have been...


I owe it all to Schoolhouse Rock: A “QuikTrip” to Plymouth

If it weren’t for a series of educational films released in the 70s by Schoolhouse Rock I wouldn’t have cared much about Plymouth, Massachusetts. But, thankfully I watched the video and know everything that matters concerning the founding of our great country. Ha Ha! For those too young, or less...


Quick Trips: Alexandria & Mount Vernon

On Monday, after four days of extreme sightseeing, we slept in, except for Dale who had to work! The kids ran some errands and I puttered around the house. Michelle woke up just in time to take a nap! Ha ha. That evening we drove to Alexandria for dinner. On...