Category: Moon River

There’s so much world to see! Moon River encompasses our dreams of intentionally walking into our future together.

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I’m Itching

I said that to Dale recently. “Dry skin?” he asks. I reply, “Nope, I’m just itching to get back on the road.” I’m even looking at cars with cartop carriers longingly. “Remember when we used one of those honey?” Sigh. It’s okay though. We’ve got a few adventures planned for...


Moon River From 1,000 Feet

I really wanted to create one video that represented our Moon River adventures. I selected just a few of the many videos we took along the way. I was not able to show everything we experienced but I think this gives you a good idea of how amazing our journey...


California Wrap-Up [July-August 2023]

Remarkable: worthy of being or likely to be noticed especially as being uncommon or extraordinary This is a good adjective for California because it leaves room for a variety of experiences. For the most part we enjoyed tremendous beauty, but as we got into more urban environments the cultural darkness...


QuikTrip: Cowboys Training Camp

On Monday of this week we got up early and retraced our route back to Oxnard, California to attend Dallas Cowboy Training Camp. We had not originally planned to do this, but when Dale realized how close we’d be while in Anaheim, he took the day off so we could...


From Napa to Anaheim

Napa to Monterey We departed Napa on a Friday morning and took three days to get to Anaheim. On the first day we drove from Napa to Monterey. On the second day we made it to Santa Barbara, then arrived at Anaheim on Sunday. The trip from Napa to Monterey...


QuikTrip: Point Bonita Lighthouse Tour

Our last day in Napa we headed back to San Fransico for a guided sunset tour of the Point Bonita Lighthouse, which is located at the entrance to the San Francisco Bay. We were hoping to get a good view of the Golden Gate Bridge too, but once again, it...



Our twelve-day stay in Napa, California was a pleasant surprise. As I mentioned in a previous post, we chose this location because we had some days we could spend at any Wyndham Resort and this one happened to be close to our California travel route. There are several things I...


Castello di Amorosa

One of the adventures while the kids were here was to visit the Castello di Amorosa (Castle of Love), a winery located near Calistoga, California. Our daughter-in-law found this impressive edifice while researching activities near Napa. So we made reservations for a wine tasting and self-guided tour of the castle....


Alcatraz and Other San Francisco Sights

We arrived in Napa almost 12 days ago! I can hardly believe we’ve been here that long. This has been a special leg of the trip for us for a couple of reasons; first, our son and daughter-in-law came to visit, and second, we stayed in a resort instead of...


From MacKerricher to Napa

Here are a couple of video clips of some of the wild life we saw on this leg of the journey. After packing up our tent at MacKerricher State Park we traveled into Fort Bragg for a hearty breakfast then headed out on our last leg to Napa. Our first...