Category: Family


September is off to a Great Start!

The first weekend of the month we helped A. & D. get moved into their new apartment. A. drove the truck like a champ! We collected items for the new apartment from four locations on Friday evening and on Saturday morning several friends from church were there to help us...


Back to School!

*Note: I am publishing this late! Another school year has begun. I always enjoy this time of year, seeing photos of family members headed back to school. When my children were in school, getting school supplies was one thing I really enjoyed. I’ve always loved school and office supplies. It...


A Week at the Mound.

In the middle of July Dale and I spent one week visiting family in North Texas. It was a great week. The only downside was that both Dale and C were battling upper respiratory infections. It sounded like a tuberculosis ward! As I sit and type this, I’m suffering from...


The End of June

It’s hard to believe tomorrow is the first day of July. June was an eventful month in some aspects and very low key in others. J was here at the first of the month and we had the opportunity to have her new boyfriend, J, over for dinner on June...


Our Trip to the North Carolina Coast

It was an amazing couple of weeks. I have been looking forward our North Carolina vacation ever since C invited us to join her family earlier this year. About a week before the departure approached, I got my second COVID vaccine and it made me sick, sick, sick. I was...


An Unusual Mother’s Day Weekend

I just couldn’t seem to get a plan together as we approached Mother’s Day weekend. Normally I have a plan ready but this year I just couldn’t get it together. On Thursday, Richard, my father-in-law had heart pains. An ambulance was called, Dale picked up his mom and thus began...