Category: Family


September, Where did you go?

We arrived home from our West Coast trip on Sunday, August 20, now suddenly it’s October! And, in two days I’m heading out again on a church mission trip. I am updating this blog before any more time goes by, however, there is no way for me to be as...


QuikTrip: Point Bonita Lighthouse Tour

Our last day in Napa we headed back to San Fransico for a guided sunset tour of the Point Bonita Lighthouse, which is located at the entrance to the San Francisco Bay. We were hoping to get a good view of the Golden Gate Bridge too, but once again, it...



Our twelve-day stay in Napa, California was a pleasant surprise. As I mentioned in a previous post, we chose this location because we had some days we could spend at any Wyndham Resort and this one happened to be close to our California travel route. There are several things I...


Castello di Amorosa

One of the adventures while the kids were here was to visit the Castello di Amorosa (Castle of Love), a winery located near Calistoga, California. Our daughter-in-law found this impressive edifice while researching activities near Napa. So we made reservations for a wine tasting and self-guided tour of the castle....


Oh my, What a Wonderful Evening!

This time last week there wasn’t a Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Sharrick. But now, a new family has been formed in the sight of God and man, and we couldn’t be happier! Months of planning by both Ream and Sharrick families culminated in a weekend filled with joyful celebration. Rehearsal...


Easter Weekend 2023

Dale and I have been home since late November, and suddenly it’s April! How did that happen? In three days J is getting married, and in two weeks Dale and I will be headed off on our next adventure! What a wonderful time we have had being home with our...


One Month Until the Js Tie the Knot!

I don’t know where to begin. How do you condense months of planning and dreaming into a post? I don’t think it’s possible. Nevertheless, here I go. This is my second daughter to marry, and my son married less than two years ago. So, I’m no stranger to wedding planning....


Goodbye 2022, Hello 2023!

I can’t believe January is almost over! The last few whirlwind weeks included a family Christmas rumpus, a wedding, a birth, a midnight hike, a retirement and more. Enjoy these photos highlights.


An Unusual Christmas Season

Back in May 2021 I wrote a blog post titled “An Unusual Mother’s Day Weekend“, well, now it’s a fitting title for this season as well! However, thankfully, this time we don’t have any tragedies. For me, what makes it unusual is basically, we don’t have a house! This unique...


Back in Texas and Full of Thanksgiving!

Dale and I are back in Texas! We had a good drive home from North Carolina. The halfway mark was Meridian, Mississippi, where we stopped and had dinner with my oldest brother and his wife. He has worked at the Naval Air Station there for many years. The next morning...