Category: Family

Family posts involves or effects our larger family.


Q1 Going Strong With More Gains Expected in Q2

Spring is the best time of the year (regardless of what Dale says). Temperatures are perfect, wild flowers are blooming, outdoor activities can resume. Ahhh, sounds wonderful. Unfortunately, spring is still one month away, and it is currently 29° with a wind chill of 6°! Texas winters are fairly mild,...


December 2024: A Month of Goodness

My mind is flipping through the memories and images of this month trying to settle on which one deserves to be the title and lead of this post. I guess I would say the most joyful one is when all the family was at our home celebrating Christmas the Saturday...


Ream Family Makes Life-Changing Announcement!

Dale and Kim’s youngest and his wife announced that they are expecting a baby girl in May. This historic event shook all those who attended the family Thanksgiving Dinner in Georgetown last month. When asked what they would name the child, they declined to answer, leaving all to suggest names...


The Last Gasp of Summer, I Hope

It was a really hot summer, then it was cool for a few glorious days, now it’s back to hot. There’s been hotter summers, so I shouldn’t complain. I’m sitting here at my dining table surrounded by Fall decor. I couldn’t help myself. I guess I thought it might help...


A 350+ Year Journey from the Carolinas to Texas

I wouldn’t say that I’m an avid family history buff, but I recently had full access to an Ancestry account so I took the opportunity to download as much family info as I could, including some facts my brother had documented several years ago. I was curious to see when...


There and Back Again: A Florida Road Trip

June has come and gone, but not without bringing hot temperatures, humidity and a few adventures. At the beginning of the month, Dale and I had the pleasure of joining our oldest daughter and her family in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. We drove to Florida after work on Monday, slept...


The Rhythms of Everyday Life

It’s that time of year again when we seek out shaded parking, complain about the heat and only go walking very early or very late. This will be our norm for the next five to six months, but who’s complaining? I am. I can hardly believe we are one week...


Photo Showcase: Easter Campout & Eclipse

Easter weekend we went camping at Jim Hogg Park on Lake Georgetown. When I made the reservation months ago I didn’t realize it was Easter. The weather was nice, the wildflowers were plentiful and the company was exceptional. Then on April 8 we joined the Sharrick Family at their lake...



I recently uploaded several old photos to my photo gallery. I wanted to collect them in a place where I could easily access them. Over the years, I’ve cataloged a great number of photos on CDs or DVDs. I have reference sheets of thumbnails for each disc. Recently my daughter...


New Season, Holiday Season

I’m sitting in an Airbnb in San Antonio this morning. We arrived last night and plan to stay two weeks so that we can spend some time with our youngest daughter and her husband who live here, as well as enjoy the sights and activities San Antonio offers. (Also, Michelle,...