Category: Events


Easter Weekend 2022

It was a beautiful weekend and so enjoyable. It’s good to spend time with friends and family, even though we missed having the Rusks with us. The weekend started off with a community-wide Good Friday service at Old Settlers Park. It was a beautiful evening a good turnout. J had...


Wedding in the Rear View Mirror

It’s been just over two months since D and A’s wedding. I can’t imagine a more beautiful day or location for such a special event. It was cool and sunny. A’s planning made everything go so smoothly. We were surrounded by family and friends. It was really perfect. The morning...


The End of June

It’s hard to believe tomorrow is the first day of July. June was an eventful month in some aspects and very low key in others. J was here at the first of the month and we had the opportunity to have her new boyfriend, J, over for dinner on June...


An Unusual Mother’s Day Weekend

I just couldn’t seem to get a plan together as we approached Mother’s Day weekend. Normally I have a plan ready but this year I just couldn’t get it together. On Thursday, Richard, my father-in-law had heart pains. An ambulance was called, Dale picked up his mom and thus began...


Cedar Breaks Camping Trip

We were able to get a campsite at our favorite local camping spot, Cedar Breaks Campground on Lake Georgetown. The weekend started off a little dicey when heavy rain gave everything a good soaking on Friday afternoon, but by the time Dale got of work at 5pm, the rain had...