Category: Events

Events are anything out of our current ordinary life!


Ream Family Makes Life-Changing Announcement!

Dale and Kim’s youngest and his wife announced that they are expecting a baby girl in May. This historic event shook all those who attended the family Thanksgiving Dinner in Georgetown last month. When asked what they would name the child, they declined to answer, leaving all to suggest names...


Spain: Sharing the Way, the Truth and the Life

On October 4 myself and seven others from our church went to Spain to serve “pilgrims” hiking “El Camino de Santiago” or “The Way of St. James”, which is a 500-mile journey from France to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, located in Northern Spain. Since the Middle Ages, this...


Oh my, What a Wonderful Evening!

This time last week there wasn’t a Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Sharrick. But now, a new family has been formed in the sight of God and man, and we couldn’t be happier! Months of planning by both Ream and Sharrick families culminated in a weekend filled with joyful celebration. Rehearsal...


Easter Weekend 2023

Dale and I have been home since late November, and suddenly it’s April! How did that happen? In three days J is getting married, and in two weeks Dale and I will be headed off on our next adventure! What a wonderful time we have had being home with our...


One Month Until the Js Tie the Knot!

I don’t know where to begin. How do you condense months of planning and dreaming into a post? I don’t think it’s possible. Nevertheless, here I go. This is my second daughter to marry, and my son married less than two years ago. So, I’m no stranger to wedding planning....


An Unusual Christmas Season

Back in May 2021 I wrote a blog post titled “An Unusual Mother’s Day Weekend“, well, now it’s a fitting title for this season as well! However, thankfully, this time we don’t have any tragedies. For me, what makes it unusual is basically, we don’t have a house! This unique...


Today’s the Day

In about an hour and a half we will hit the road for our big adventure. Once Dale’s work day is done, we’ll drive to my brother’s house in Rusk County for a short visit, then on to Asheville, NC by way of Little Rock and Nashville. It’s hard to...


Answered Prayers, Wedding Date Set!

We had one week where Dale, J and I would be together before leaving on our trip. I hoped, and prayed, that God would provide two things: a dress and a venue. He gave us both. All glory to Him for these gifts. If it had not happened, we would...


A Proposal is Accepted!

On June 3, atop a foggy mountain peak near Asheville, NC, our soon-to-be son-in-law asked J to marry him. The weather may not have cooperated but it didn’t seem to dampen the occasion. Dale and I are looking forward to hearing all the details when we see J later this...


We Sold Our House!

At this moment I’m sitting on a friend’s back porch while Dale works in the “Bumble Bee” room. In the last 24 hours we sold our home of 20 years, and my car of nine years. All of our worldly positions now fit in a storage unit and a car!...