Category: Abiding

Finding shelter and rest in the shadow of the Almighty. Ps 91:1


Camino de Santiago 2024

Camino de Santiago, or the Way of St. James, was declared by Pope Alexander VI in 1492 to be one of the “three great pilgrimages of Christendom”, along with Jerusalem and the Via Francigena to Rome. More than 200,000 pilgrims a year follow routes from France, Portugal and Spain to arrive at the...

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My God Knelt and Answered Me

“I said “God I do not understand this world”Everything is dying and brokenWhy do I see nothing but sufferingGod I’m asking could this be your plan?Sin has taken hold of this whole landWill You not say anything else to me?” These are lyrics from a song that I could have...


Spain: Sharing the Way, the Truth and the Life

On October 4 myself and seven others from our church went to Spain to serve “pilgrims” hiking “El Camino de Santiago” or “The Way of St. James”, which is a 500-mile journey from France to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, located in Northern Spain. Since the Middle Ages, this...

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What do you Expect?

I’ve been taught that “for every action there is a reaction”, and similarly that there is a “cause and effect” principle to be considered. There is no getting around it. I see these play out in my life every day. If I drink too much caffeine it takes me longer...

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If the Master Wills it

Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while...

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God’s Battle Axe

Last September, while we were in living in Massachusetts, I joined an online Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) group. My daughter, who leads a BSF group in the Dallas area, suggested it to me when I mentioned that I was missing women’s Bible study while traveling. I had attended a few...


A Guided Personal Spiritual Retreat at The Cove

While we were in Asheville this past July we attended a dinner and concert at The Cove Training and Retreat Center. (You can read more about that here.) I had never heard of The Cove prior to that. After looking at the list of events they offer, Dale and I...


How Great Thou Art

This past Sunday, while attending Covenant Baptist in Saco, we sang this hymn. I have been singing this hymn since I was able to sing (actually I’m still not able to sing! ha ha). Even though it is one of my favorite and most familiar hymns, it wasn’t until this...

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The Local Church

Part of our travel experience has included visiting local churches. Dale and I both enjoy being in fellowship with other Christ followers, even if only for a short time. I do my research before we arrive just like I do for our other activities. This involves an internet search of...