We Sold Our House!

We are signing our closing papers!

At this moment I’m sitting on a friend’s back porch while Dale works in the “Bumble Bee” room. In the last 24 hours we sold our home of 20 years, and my car of nine years. All of our worldly positions now fit in a storage unit and a car! Ha ha!

About this time yesterday we became officially “homeless”. We have been preparing for this for almost three years and I must admit it really feels good. I won’t pretend there weren’t tears (and a little blood) shed while we were packing, cleaning and moving, but we survived.

Here is a quick rundown of the last week.

Thursday, May 5 – We rented a U-Haul and moved some of the larger items, and many boxes, to our storage unit. The 10×20 was already a quarter full from numerous boxes I had packed during the last few weeks.

Friday, May 6 – As Dale worked, I continued to pack boxes and prepare for our official moving day the following day. Jordan also arrived to help us move, and to celebrate Mother’s Day weekend.

Saturday, May 7 – We rented a Penske to move both us and D&A, who were moving to a new apartment. It took one hour for Dale, Jordan, Eric, Allen and myself to move most everything to storage. We arrived to D’s apartment around 10:30. By the end of the day everyone was moved and the truck returned. Then Dale, Jordan and I showered and went to dinner at Sweet Lemon in Georgetown.

Sunday, May 8 – We attended the late service. We had reservations at the Walburg German Restaurant for 2 pm. Ten of us sat around a big, family-style table enjoying German food and live music. I really enjoyed the time together. No cooking and no cleanup!

Mother’s Day lunch in Walburg.

Monday, May 9-11 – Dale and I continued packing boxes by day and sleeping on an air mattress by night! It’s amazing how many little items must be packed or discarded.

Wednesday, May 11 – This was the last day to finish our tasks since closing was the following day. I spent most of my time cleaning. I made a quick trip to the Round Rock Serving Center to donate our can food, then to the Recycling Center to discard used motor oil. E & Baby J stopped and visited with us as well. By the end of the day I was worn out. My car was packed with items for storage and Goodwill and Dale had packed the Subaru with all of our living essentials for the next six months.

Around 8 pm we locked the house for the last time and stood in the driveway. We decided to take one more walk down to the end of our street and say goodbye to a few neighbors who have been on Sundrop as long, or longer, than we have. God blessed us with the opportunity to reminisce and give a quick hug before we departed. We arrived at our current accommodations after 9 pm. We visited with our friends and then hit the rack.

Thursday, May 12 – Closing day! We took our time waking up then went for breakfast a couple of miles down the road at the Huddle House. Bacon, eggs, biscuits and gravy are a great start to closing day! We met our realtor and title agent at 1:30 and by 2 pm we were done! The house is sold! After an appointment with our financial advisor we stopped and visited with Dale’s parents. And if selling a home weren’t enough, we sold the Honda to a young man at 7 pm that evening!

Friday, May 13 – I enjoyed a relaxed morning, then prepared to pay bills since today is Dale’s payday. And what did I see when I logged on to Wells Fargo? You guessed it, our mortgage is marked as paid in full! Woohoo! Then we ran a couple of errands, and now here I am, writing this blog.

I cannot express how generous the Lord has been to us, or how smoothly everything has gone. When we left the house it looked great. I’m hoping the new owner will be pleased with his new home. We will continue to live in this area until the end of June, then we’ll hit the open road! We are trusting God to guide us step by step.

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