Wedding in the Rear View Mirror

It’s been just over two months since D and A’s wedding. I can’t imagine a more beautiful day or location for such a special event. It was cool and sunny. A’s planning made everything go so smoothly. We were surrounded by family and friends. It was really perfect.
The morning of the wedding the groom, Dale, J and I relaxed at home while the bride and her entourage enjoyed their pampering. A had reserved one of the villas at the vineyard for the bridal party preparations and for use by the bride and groom that evening. Dale and I had also rented a room that also doubled for the dressing room the groom and his groomsmen. Of course his best man, J, dressed with the bridesmaids in the villa.
Around noon we helped to set up the reception area and waited for the flowers and cake to arrive. The local HEB took care of both and did a great job.

By 3 pm everyone was getting dressed so that the photographer, our neighbor, Ariel, could capture some of the special moments. The ceremony started at 5pm, so Ariel had the opportunity to get some great preparation shots.
The wedding started right at 5pm. It looked like everyone had come, almost every chair was full. Dale broke the tension by accidentally saying “Dallas and Jordan” rather than “Dallas and Adrian”. He was so afraid he would do that, and he did! But after that, he did very well. I had never seen him so nervous.
D and A had set up a small table to the side for communion. While they shared that private time our friend Emily sang while her husband James played guitar.
The reception was like a big family reunion, so many Central Baptist people were there. The food was good and the music steady. Gabi and Jordan did so well on their toasts too! The sound crew, friends of Adrian’s from UMHB, did a fabulous job as well.
More photos available on my photos page.
Enjoy this video too! The GoPro was stuck to a window in the back of the venue but it caught the entire ceremony!
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