
Four more days until D&A tie the knot! Today is rainy, but Saturday is supposed to be beautiful – sunny with a high of 71. Of all the things I could have written, I mention the weather forecast. Ha! I suppose that is because it was the easiest thought to articulate. I currently have so many thoughts swirling around in my head, that I’d be here all day if I tried to write them down. But, I suppose I could mention the top five.
Top Five Thoughts About D Getting Married
- God provided the right girl at the right time.
D is not one to make hasty decisions. But, when he makes it, he is committed to it. D&A have been friends for quite a while. This gave D all the time he needed to get to know his future wife. And it gave A time to get to know D. It seems to me that each of them have strengths that complement the other, but even more important than that, they both love the Lord. - Dale and I will no longer have any kids living with us.
We’ve always had at least one child with us. When we started dating, Carrie was a toddler. So there hasn’t been any time in our lives that we didn’t have a child in the house. At 25 years old, D is our youngest. We have not been in a hurry to get him out of the house, which is a good thing, because he hasn’t been in a hurry to leave! Now it seems he can’t wait to get into his apartment with A. We are glad of that. It’s good when children are excited about life on their own. And now, I’m excited about the freedom to make decisions without worrying about how it will affect one of the kids. Dale is having a little harder time with D’s departure than I am. It will be difficult, but my joy far outweighs my sadness. My greatest wish for all my children is to know and love Jesus, then to be happily independent. God has blessed us with both for all three. - Everything is ready to go!
Their apartment is ready. A has been living in it for a month now. Later this week, Dallas will go ahead and move the last of his stuff over and that will be it. Preparations for the rehearsal dinner, ceremony, and reception are about complete. A has done a fantastic job. I think Dale is still tweaking the vows (sermon, ha!) and I’ve got a couple of things to do for the rehearsal dinner, but other than that we are ready. A is finishing up some items as well. I can’t wait for the weekend. The honeymoon is fully planned as well. They are going to Montana! - My greatest hope is that D&A will obey God and leave all the consequences to him.
This is a phrase coined by Pastor Charles Stanley, whose podcasts I love. When we submit to God, his promises of blessing far outweigh any possible consequences. If this is D&A’s goal, they will be able to wisely manage their relationship, finances, careers and raising children. - It truly is a joyful occasion.
God has been, and continues to be, so gracious to us. If there is any occasion that can cause stress, bickering and worry it is a wedding. But, from my perspective as the mother of the groom, it’s been great! Ha! I imagine A and her mom might have other thoughts.
“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations!”
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