
I recently uploaded several old photos to my photo gallery. I wanted to collect them in a place where I could easily access them.

Over the years, I’ve cataloged a great number of photos on CDs or DVDs. I have reference sheets of thumbnails for each disc. Recently my daughter wanted a photo of herself holding her flute in sixth grade. I told her I didn’t remember that specific photo, but I went to my binder and found it within minutes. I am very invested in keeping memories close to hand so I can enjoy them over and over. That is the main reason I do this blog.

I thought I’d put a few of those photos in a this post.

Nursery at Lone Star Baptist Church. I’m second from left. Bubba Pearson is on my left and Kim Rouse is on my right. Michael Boyd is on the floor and Nancy Windle is hold the red-haired Williams girl.
I am sitting between my Aunt Janie and my grandmother. Our families were tearing down my grandparents’ home to repurpose the wood in their new home. This home had no restroom. I used an outhouse and bathed in a galvanized steel tub on the back porch.
From left: my mom, cousin Tracy, grandmother Carrie, grandfather Sam, brother Doug, me, Aunt Janie, cousin Charles, brother Jimmy.
I spent the day with a tank battalion on Camp Lejeune. I was writing an article for the base paper. I was able to ride next to the company CO. It was a great day. Probably 1991.
Daingerfield High School Senior prom in 1985. It was held on a paddle boat on Lake of the Pines. From left, Mike, Sharon, Kevin, me, Toby and Shelli. The 80s was so much fun!
Dale and Kim 1993?

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