Old Photos by Kim · Published March 27, 2024 · Updated January 1, 2025 Old PhotosI enjoy looking back on my life. It's been so good. There were hard times, but God never fails me. I have so much to be thankful for. Me in our living room on San Jacinto Street in Lone Star.My mom had me in twirling, tap and ballet.On this Christmas morning I was running a fever but still wanted to open presents! I got my first bike too.I think this may have been at church.Dale with his Honda, before I knew him.Me and my grandmother. I was 18.Dale and CarrieI spent the day with a tank battalion on Camp Lejeune. I was writing an article for the base paper. I was able to ride next to the company CO. It was a great day. Probably 1991.My grandparents home in Rusk County. I would take baths in a galvanized steel tub on the back porch and use an outhouse.Another view of my grandparents home. My mom was born in this house.Family and friends tore down the old house and used the wood on their new home that was built about a half mile away. My dad is in the safety helmet sitting on a wooden beam.I am sitting between my Aunt Janie and my grandmother. From left: my mom, cousin Tracy, grandmother Carrie, grandfather Sam, brother Doug, me, Aunt Janie, cousin Charles, brother Jimmy.DaleDaleDale and I during dating years.Me with my brothers in 2023. Jimmy on left, Doug on right.Cowgirl with broken rifle! I was ready for anything. HaMy mom force me to participate in beauty pageants! I am on the left, then Chaurhon Harris and Tammy.Tap recital. I'm in the middle, looking at my very good friend Sally, who I loved playing with. Her parents owned a marina on the lake.Married in New Bern, NC in 1993.Three reporters for the base paper. Myself, Cpl. Fred Charles in front, LCpl. Andrew Yurasek in back.Four generations. Carrie, Carrie, Shirly and Kim.Senior year high school dances. Spring photo: Toby, Shelli, Kevin, Kim, Melinda, Sharon and a guy whose name I can't remember. Fall dance: Kim, Toby, friend, Melinda. I had a robe and was the grim reaper. I won a free burger at the DQ for my costume!Nursery at Lone Star Baptist Church. I'm second from left. Bubba Pearson is on my left and Kim Rouse is on my right. Michael Boyd is on the floor and Nancy Windle is hold the red-haired Williams girl.I got to ride in a biplane in 1998. He did loops, dives and even killed the engine for a free fall. I had to wear a parachute.Four Marines headed to Okinawa, Japan. I'm in the middle.USS Iowa, on which Dale served for almost three years.Dale before I knew him.Dale and Kim 1993?Senior prom was on a paddle boat on Lake of the Pines. Sharon, Kevin, Toby and Shelli.My hairdo currently isn't much different. Ha haI had an abrasion on my chin from falling of a stool and landing on a brick patio. I kid pushed me off.Dale is on the left.Our band received new uniforms my senior year. From left: Chris Kendall, Dede Stevens, myself, Kirk Bradford.This was taken of Dale in 1991 in the Harmony House Inn, where we ended up getting married in 1993.This is about the time I was introduced to Cpl. Dale Ream. This photo was taken outside the darkroom at the Camp Lejeune Public Affairs Office where we worked.I'm putting on my flak jacket and h-harness. I think that is Cpl. Haring. He must have been clipping something to my equipment belt.Preparing my pack for the field. I am in "the pit" where all of the combat correspondence worked.We had just graduated form journalism school at Ft. Benjamin Harris in Indiana. Cpl. Abercrombie is to my left. I don't remember the other Marine.I was on a skeet shooting team on Camp Lejeune. From left: LCpl. Aina, 1stLt. Spivey, ?, myself, SSgt. Pettigrew, and Cpl Schneider. Pettigrew told me he hated me. Great guy.Dale reporting Marine Corps news in front of a set that was made by Marines in the brig.Reporters at the Camp Lejeune Globe. I am squatting on the left. The man squatting on the other side, SSgt. Tibbets, took my first article and tore in into shreds and threw it at me. it was so funny! He didn't intend it to be, but I thought it was.The Joint Public Affairs Office at Camp Lejeune, NC around 1991. I'm on the far left.The public affairs Marines. I'm front row center.Cleaning the stove that kept us warm in our tent in South Korea. It was sunny, but most of the time it was cold and even snowy. I spent three months in that tent.This guy is a ROK Marine. (Republic of Korea). We traded covers (hats) for a minute and took a photo.1989ish?I'm taking the opportunity to rest during a field exercise.I was awarded for my work while in Korea. This was taken at my squadron on Okinawa, Japan.High school band flashback. Trumpet section is the best!Me and my grandmother with her siblings.My grandfather's old tractor. He would let me sit in his lap and steer. I learned to drive it alone. We would pile hay on the trailer to feed the cows.My brothers and I with our grandparents, Sam and Carrie Patrick.The grandkids at my grandparents.Skeet shooting at Camp Lejeune.I was doing a story on the training of a Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) and was part of a hostage rescue at a Georgia airport. We all had to blacken our faces. One of the Marines smeared the black on my face, a little too much.Dale in Iraq in 1992.As a reporter, we all carried our cameras everywhere. One of my teammates shot this photo and made it into a fake magazine cover.Part of journalism school was photography training. We all took a lot of photos of each other. Someone caught this one of me. My hair was a mess! My cover was pushed back because of the camera.Senior portrait.Family snapshot in hospital room after giving birth to Dallas.DaleWedding Day.Another Threadgill Family reunion. I'm in yellow on front right.My grandmother, holding baby, with some of her siblings.My grandmother on right, with her friend Mary Hudson.My grandmother about to walk to school. She told me she was wearing her mother's sweater.My mother Shirley Patrick Harvey on left. Her sister Janie on right.Me with my brothers Doug and Jimmy.Family photo at Old Shiloh Church. Probably taken on July 4, 1984.From left, Doug, Jimmy, cousin Charles and sister Tracy, and me.Me and my brothers. Jimmy is the oldest.Sitting on the steps of my grandparents home. We were tearing it down. It was old and dilapidated.This the outhouse I'd use when visiting my grandparents. They did not have plumbing.From the left, my mom Shirley, grandmother Carrie, brother Jimmy (holding Aaron) me, my cousin Charles and my daughter Carrie standing in front. My nephews James and Tim on the floor.Four generations. My daughter Carrie, is named after my grandmother, Carrie, on left.My grandparents, Sam and Carrie Patrick, with me and my brothers.My mom, in white, sits with her kids, in-laws, grandkids and mother.The crew that spent much time at my grandparents home.I was not supposed to be in this photo. ha ha! This is my grandmother (lower right) with her remaining siblings.Kim, Doug, JimmyReady for Easter service at Shiloh. Probably 1985.My mom's high school photo.Me, Jordan, my grandmother, Carrie, my mom and Dallas.My grandmother surrounded by her family at the Threadgill Reunion, probably 2010.Threadgill family, probably 1942. Third from left is my grandfather, Sam Patrick, then his wife Carrie, who is holding my mother, Shirley.John and Mary Anna Whitaker with their children. He was Irish and she was from Mexico City. My grandfather's (Sam Patrick) mom, Effie Whitaker Patrick, is front left.My parents, Jimmy Eugene Harvey and Shirley Ann Patrick, marry at Old Shiloh Church in Rusk County TexasMy dad with his brother, father and step mother.My father's father in the middle.My father's father on the left, with his brothers.My father is all the way to the right. Related
0 Monthly Airbnb Rentals October 31, 2021 by Kim · Published October 31, 2021 · Last modified November 1, 2021
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