Moon River From 1,000 Feet

I really wanted to create one video that represented our Moon River adventures. I selected just a few of the many videos we took along the way. I was not able to show everything we experienced but I think this gives you a good idea of how amazing our journey was. Dale is still in the process of creating more in-depth videos, but it is a lot of work!

Video Description

In 2022, after selling our home, we packed up our Subaru and hit the road to the East Coast. We spent six months traveling from Texas to Maine, and back again. Then in 2023 we headed west to Utah, Oregon and California. We call this adventure Moon River because there is so much world to see. These clips are just a few of the sights we enjoyed. We hope you enjoy it too! This version of Moon River is by Kevin Max, one of our favorite artists.

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