QuikTrip: Sahalie Falls & Clear Lake

For our last Sunday in Bend, we headed to Sahalie Falls and Koosah Falls, which are located an hour away, along the West Cascades National Scenic Byway. It was a short but very beautiful trail, with two waterfalls more stunning than any of the other falls we’ve seen (and that’s a lot!) In my opinion, it is the crystal clear, blue-hued water of the McKenzie River that puts these falls at the top of my list.

After that we went a couple of miles down the road to Clear Lake to have lunch and rent a boat. Clear Lake is a mountain lake that is primarily fed by snow runoff from nearby Mount Washington and the surrounding areas.
We paddled around in the boat for a couple of hours, enjoying the sunshine and cool temperatures. The water was definitely too cool for us to swim. After that, we headed home! Another great adventure.

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