One Life: What did Adam and Eve Talk About, Part Two.

scenic view of rainforest
Photo by Arnie Chou on

In April I pondered what the relationship between God and man was like before sin put a veil between us. It is not an impenetrable wall but sometimes it can feel pretty thick! Oh how many times has God reached down to us, and what a gift we have – the Holy Spirit – dwelling inside us!

I finished the prayer study I mentioned in the previous article, but I’m still focusing on prayer. I’ve been thinking about a few things during the past few weeks. I’d like to mention a few.

There’s only one life.

It’s interesting how separating my spiritual self from my physical self comes so naturally. Over the years I’ve been involved in discussion like, “How do I pray continually?” or “How can I know the will of God?” Before “the fall” those were not considerations for Adam and Eve. They lived in complete unity with the Father.

Then there is the example of Jesus. He also lived on this earth in complete unity with the Father even though sin was all around him. We know from scripture that the Lord stayed focused on the Father and his will for his life, and that he spent many hours alone with the Father.

“Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does.”


How do I, a born again human with sinful tendencies, reprogram my mind so that I see myself as a holy, Spirit-filled child of God who has the potential to live in unity with the Father? It’s hard to explain my thought process because I’m still trying to grasp it myself. My spiritual life is not confined to Sundays or my quiet time, but I have unconsciously thought this many times.

I remember reading a passage about dwelling in the shelter of God’s wings and thinking, “I wish I were sheltered under his wings!” And I believe God reminded me as soon as I had that thought, “Kim, you are under the shelter of my wings!” And so I am.

What is God’s will?

I’ve always had a deep longing to “Abide in Christ”, as Andrew Murray discusses in his book with that name. To fully know him, to experience the peace, joy and purpose that comes from walking with him continually, that is what I seek. I came across this song by Andrew Marcus called Abide in Me.

I am the Vine, you are the branch
Do not forsake Me
Come and reside with Me
And I'll show you My glory
Abide in Me
I am the bread of life with Me
You won't go hungry
I am the Way, I am the Truth
Receive My mercy
Abide in Me
Stay close, don't let go
For the seed I plant brings peace
That always grows
Stay close, don't let go
Abide in Me
I am the First, I am the Last
I hold the middle
I am the Door, come enter in
To peaceful meadows
Abide in Me

You can listen to it here:

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