Bend, Oregon – June 2023 by Kim · Published June 21, 2023 · Updated July 11, 2023 Bend, Oregon – June 2023This are various photos of the area that didn't really fit into a specific excursion. We had just arrived and were in progress of setting everything up and organizing our mess. We had just camped for a week so our gear was a bit untidy.Our neighbors cat keeps an eye on us.We've attended Joy Church twice and expect to continue there until we leave. They are solid.The Deschutes River runs through Bend and there are many trails that allow you to enjoy it.I went on a guided nature walk at the Ochoco Preserve outside of Prineville while Dale worked. There were about eight of us. It was good to make some new friends.This is our nature hike guide. She's been volunteering with the Deschutes Land and Trust for years.This disc golf course was much more rugged than most. It was a lot of fun. We need to go back and finish this course. We only got through 8 holes.Dale surprised me with bowling at Lava Lanes.Downtown Bend is very charming with all sorts of cute shops and restaurants.The Seventh Mountain Resort near Mount Bachelor has a nine-hole disc golf course that we really enjoyed. It was flat, the holes were short and the foliage beautiful.Dale likes to pick me flowers when we are out and stick them in my hair. I put this one in water when we got home and it lasted for days!We at Thai Food at the Wild Rose. It was just okay for us.Unique street entertainers blow bubbles for money.We saw lava everywhere as we drove from place to place.Our patio was a great place for my morning Bible study.Quite the interesting hairdo.This beautiful bath is in a building that used to be the St. Francis School. It is now McMenamins, and has a spa, movie theater, hotel, pub and more.Dale and I watch Indiana Jones in this retro theater in McMenamin's. We had a couch to ourselves.Dale and I went to the coffee shop twice while in Bend. I believe it is a Christian coffee shop. We could hear godly conversations all around us, as well as Bible Study groups and a group of unruly kids!We went in the very last Blockbuster Video Store in the U.S. It went out of business because Dale had so many unreturned VHS tapes. Ha ha!Dale surprises me with a special dinner at Jackalope.I absolutely loved the landscaping many of the homes had in Bend.Dale made some homemade bread while we were there.The Looney Bean is another coffee shop we visited.One of the disc golf courses we played. It was only nine holes but very shady and nice.The path to our area of the house.A very delicious chocolate shake at Goody's on Wall Street. Related
0 Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? April 22, 2021 by Kim · Published April 22, 2021 · Last modified April 26, 2021
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