The Grand Teton National Park – May 2023 by Kim · Published June 12, 2023 · Updated July 17, 2024 The Grand Teton National Park – May 2023We spent three nights camping in Grand Teton National Park. It was incredible. Read my post and find out more. We stayed at the Peery in Salt Lake City on our way from Cedar City to the Tetons.Our drive from Salt Lake City to Teton was beautiful.Everywhere you look is beautiful in Grand Tetons.Jackson, Wyoming is just outside the south entrance to the Grand Teton National Park.Selfie in Jackson.Such a cute campsite!Cooking dinner on the first night at our campsite. All of our food had to be kept in the car or a bear box.Ready to go to sleep in our tent but it's still light, even at 9 pm! And it was cold!Oxbow Bend is a favorite spot for photographers, especially in Fall when the leaves are turning.The general story.Back in the days when the wealthy would come to the Tetons to pretend to be cowboys, on dude ranches.The Chapel of the Transfiguration is a small log chapel in Grand Teton NP.The chapel was sited and built to frame a view of the Cathedral Group of peaks in a large window behind the altar.The view from our lunch spot at Jenny Lake.Grand Teton is the highest mountain in Grand Teton National Park, in Northwest Wyoming.The shuttle heading our way on Jenny Lake.A river running into Jenny Lake in Grand Teton Park.Two Elk on the way up Signal Mountain.The valleys and the mountains proclaim God's glory!God's creation leaves me speechless! Related
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