One Month Until the Js Tie the Knot!

I don’t know where to begin. How do you condense months of planning and dreaming into a post? I don’t think it’s possible. Nevertheless, here I go.
This is my second daughter to marry, and my son married less than two years ago. So, I’m no stranger to wedding planning. However, because I no longer work, I’ve been focusing way too much on every detail. For example, I created a Photoshop file of the reception venue layout so I could create and move tables around based on the amount of guests expected. It was a great excuse to subscribe to the Adobe Creative Suite!
The Start
Early in the wedding planning process I asked the couple to put down into words what they want their wedding to be like, and this was the result…
“Make sure that during the ceremony, each thing that’s done and spoken, is purposeful and meaningful.” – The Bride
“That J gets everything she is wanting out of the wedding and it’s exactly as she would like it to be, and that the wedding day itself is relaxing and fun for J and I. No stress.” – The Groom
What a great answer from the both of them, especially the groom! He’s well on the road to a happy marriage!
Just over eight months ago we began looking at venues and dresses. Within one week we had found both. You can read about it here. In that post I said, “Big events like this command a lot of thought, planning and patience. I pray the entire process will go as smoothly as this week.” And I must say, it has all gone very smoothly, so far.

Wedding Showers
Three weeks ago we had our first official event – the North Texas wedding shower, which was hosted at my oldest daughter’s home in Argyle. It was a couples shower which made it extra fun. C and Z did a great job hosting. J has lived in the Denton area for about 10 years, so many of her friends are located there, and the groom has family in the area as well. His parents also came up from San Antonio. It was nice getting to meet more members of his family. Highlights included the sharing of both the long-distance dating experience and the unique proposal adventure. We were all laughing. It’s so good to see the joy and love between them. You can watch a rather long video of the event here.
In just over a week we will be attending the South Texas wedding shower, which will be hosted by the groom’s friends and family. It will be a fiesta! I’m really looking forward to that.

What’s Next?
Just about everything is ready. There are some final timeline discussions, final payments, etc, but overall we are in a good place. I expect that my next wedding-related post will be a wrap up of the big event! Stay tuned.
You can see more photos here.
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