A Few More Photos From Maine

I want to post a few more photos from our Maine adventures. We are currently in Williamsburg, VA heading to Raleigh, NC when Dale gets off work this afternoon. We have a seven-day pet sitting gig starting tomorrow! We spent a wonderful four days here in Colonial Williamsburg. I’ll tell you about that, next week.

The farther north, the fewer Chickfilet Restaurants! We found one though and enjoyed our first chicken sandwich in two months!
Dale and I enjoyed watching the neighbors. Especially Mr. Squirrel, Barry Bluejay, Camilla Cardinal, and our red-headed friend, Mr. Woodpecker.
Dale made two homemade apple pies using Maine apples. We gave one to our hosts. Everyone agreed the crumble topping is the best!
We had a problem with insects. The windows to the left was the bedroom to our apartment above the garage.
We went to the Portland Head Lighthouse several times. It was so close to us.
Our neighbor was an alien who enjoyed holding bees captive in little boxes.
Our host bought three lobsters and cooked them for us in our apartment. She grew up in Maine but lived a few years in Killeen. Dale and I agreed we probably wouldn’t cook lobster for ourselves any time in the near future.
This lighthouse was a few more miles away but still worth the visit.

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1 Response

  1. Cheryl Lindsey says:

    Can’t wait to hear about your pet sitting gig! Almost to TX! Ha!

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