An Unusual Mother’s Day Weekend
I just couldn’t seem to get a plan together as we approached Mother’s Day weekend. Normally I have a plan ready but this year I just couldn’t get it together.

On Thursday, Richard, my father-in-law had heart pains. An ambulance was called, Dale picked up his mom and thus began a five-night stay at Scott and White Hospital. Fortunately Richard went home today with much better blood flow thanks to five stents.
On Friday J arrived home, and Adrian invited us to her graduation the following day, including a pre-graduation lunch with her parents in Georgetown.
On Saturday J headed to San Antonio to meet a young man she had been talking to but never met in person. He lives in North Carolina and was home for Mother’s Day. They hung out until early afternoon. Dale’s sister, Michelle, came to town early in the morning to help get Carol to and from the hospital and to assist in any other way necessary.
Did I mention our cat, Connie, had pretty much stopped eating sometime Sunday. His health had been rapidly declining for several months.
Anyway, AM’s graduation Saturday evening was an amazing event. We got home late. On the drive home from Belton however, I did come up with a plan for the following day. Burgers and fixings for supper.

On Sunday, we attended church then J, Dale and I popped by the hospital to visit Richard and to pick up Carol and Michelle for lunch. We ate at Zoe’s. D and AM had gone to Georgetown earlier that morning to visit her parents. Eventually we all made it back to the house to enjoy burgers.

All the while, Connie was not doing well.
On Monday Richard had his angioplasty, resulting in five stents.
Which brings me to now. Here I sit on Tuesday evening. We just put Constantine Maroulis Ream, AKA “Connie”, down this afternoon. He was born to Annabelle in our home in April of 2004. J was 10 years old. She named him after a singer on American Idol. He was a good cat. He was just what we asked for. He was loving, not crazy, beautiful and funny. Dale and I buried him in our back yard an hour ago. We will miss him.

My Mother’s Day plan didn’t come together because who could have guessed we’d experience so many significant, unplanned events. God knew. He took care of every detail. He knows our joys and our sorrows.
We’ll miss Connie.
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