My Daily Walk
As Dale and I move from place to place we have a lot of wonderful experiences on the weekends. During the week however, it is very much like our “normal” life. Dale works and I do various stuff. Amazingly I stay busy all day and I’m not watching or reading anything for entertainment. After work however, if we are in the house, we watch TV together.

Though my daily activities may vary there are certain things I do every day. The most important is spending time reading the Bible. After waking up around 7:15 and getting myself together (ha) I sit down to spend time in the Word. Best case I’m outside on the porch, but if weather doesn’t permit, I make do elsewhere. Currently, here in Maine, I have a nice little deck that looks over the woods and the neighbor’s house. I see birds, squirrels and chipmunks. Today it is too wet to be out side. š
Every since I quit work in 2019 I have had the pleasure of having time to do Bible study. Before that, I did well to read a few passages each day. For example, in 2012 I began the discipline of reading the Bible through in one year. I wasn’t able to dig in, but I read it faithfully before turning out the light. I told myself that at least I’m gaining knowledge, if not wisdom. When I started reading the Bible in chronological order, it really elevated my understanding.
I don’t read the Bible through every year, but rather every other year. This year is one of those years. In my “off” years I do various topical studies or particular books of the Bible. Since we’ve been on the road I’ve continued my schedule of reading the entire Bible through. This morning was John 6. I really enjoy supplementing my study with a commentary app called “Enduring Word”.
Online Bible Study
When we are in Round Rock we attend our church, Central Baptist, each week. The various opportunities there add to my Bible study and spiritual growth, and I miss this interaction. My daughter, who is a Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) leader, suggested online BSF to me. It had already entered my mind that maybe I could find some sort of online study and her suggestion was just what I was looking for. And, timing was right since BSF was just about to start a new semester.
I created an online account and used their search tool to find a group. I was very surprised to see how many there were, and most of them not in the United States. The group I selected meets at 8 am every Thursday. It is lead by Sarah, who is originally from Kenya but now lives in the United Kingdom. We have members from Hong Kong, Italy and a variety of states. BSF’s online resources and mobile app are so good. We meet using Zoom and use What’s App for our group conversations during the week. I am really enjoying it.
I have to share the name of our group with you because it made me laugh. We are called “God’s Battle Axe”. I had to look this up. It comes from Jeremiah 51. Being Godās battle axe means you are His weapon of warfare. But to me it has always meant “a strong-willed, argumentative woman, typically older in age, who is considered overbearing or domineering.” I have no idea why our leader chose that name but I prefer the former meaning better than the latter!

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