What did Adam and Eve talk with God about when walking in the garden?

A perfect place to take a walk in the cool of the day.

I’m beginning a 21-day Bible App plan called “How to Pray” by Pete Greig. After completing today’s entry, the first day, I searched for the author on YouTube, cuz anyone who’s someone has a YouTube channel. Ha! I found him on several different channels but I honed in on “The Prayer Course” playlist on the 24-7 Prayer channel. It appears that these videos will be good accompaniment to the reading plan.

Anyway, during the Session 1 video he asks us to imagine what the conversation was like between God, Adam and Eve while they walked together in the garden each day.

Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”

Genesis 3:8-9

This was before “the fall” so Adam did not spend time asking God to forgive him for sins, or for provision, or asking God for direction. I don’t even imagine he asked God for help because they were in complete unity with one another. There was nothing separating Adam and Eve from God. So what did they talk about? I can only imagine. Maybe Adam expressed how beautiful the garden is, how delicious the fruit, how odd looking the platypus, how stubborn the donkey… whatever Adam encountered during his care-taking duties. I am sure they laughed about something funny Eve had said earlier that day, or Adam falling in the river while learning more about fish and their habits. Who knows? But I love to imagine it.

In my life, I enjoy glimpses of this type of relationship with God, but mostly my prayers are about issues resulting from a sin-filled world. And, I used the word “prayers” instead of conversations because a one-sided prayer is hardly considered a conversation. I’m asking God to teach me to pray.

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