The Front Window

When I was a kid visiting my dad I watched a movie titled “The Rear Window” in which a man played by Jimmy Stewart would watch all of his apartment neighbors through his window while recuperating from a broken leg. I love that movie. I think it may have fed into my enjoyment of people watching.
In our current Virginia accommodations the kitchen is in the front of the house. There is a table with a large window where we have our computers set up. Dale works at this table all day and I spend quite a bit of time there as well. However, I get distracted by the activity outside the window.
I’ve been on a mission to kill every wasp-like creature that lives under the last step of the front porch, so I watch for them. I watch the kids walk past going to and from the nearby high school. The mailman comes late morning, I watch him too. A chipmunk appears occasionally on our porch. A squirrel visits the bird bath that I keep filled as well. Our neighbor appears to be a single dad with two boys. I think he works from 7:30-3:30 each day. His truck plates indicate he is an Air Force veteran. I could go on and describe the lady who warms up her car around 8am and hangs her laundry on the back porch, but I won’t. Haha. As you can tell, I stay quite busy.
Anyway, here are a few photos from our rental. Our monthly stay concludes this Thursday, then we head to Massachusetts. Our place is one in a row of townhouses that were built in the 70s. I’ve noticed townhomes are very popular here.

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