Why a blog?

Dale and I were just laughing a few moments ago that every time I’ve had a really big idea the first thing I wanted to do was start a website. I laughed so hard about this. As I consider what drives me to document major life events, I’m not able to pinpoint the reason, but I can pinpoint when.
In junior high school I began making calendars for my purse. They were the size and layout of many of the standard monthly calendars that you can buy in stores, and that I still use to this day, even with my Apple calendar, Outlook calendar and Alexa’s reminders. I like having something where I can plan and then review my past plans. I actually have these calendars in an accessible location. I could tell you what I was doing the week leading up to Dallas’ birth or my wedding plans, etc.
Then along came Facebook. I love being able to add photos and documenting life events. I’ve never been one who is hung up on what everyone else is doing or comparing my life to theirs, I just enjoy documenting. This has manifested itself in other ways as well. Over the years I have learned how to take family photos using a digital camera, how to use video cameras, how to edit photos into videos, how to edit various videos together…. you get the picture. I have had my own YouTube channel for many years.
I think that if no one else reads my blogs, I will still be very satisfied to plan, document and review it myself. Goodbye Facebook!
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