The Last Gasp of Summer, I Hope

It was a really hot summer, then it was cool for a few glorious days, now it’s back to hot. There’s been hotter summers, so I shouldn’t complain. I’m sitting here at my dining table surrounded by Fall decor. I couldn’t help myself. I guess I thought it might help move things along. Ha ha!
Our first summer in our Georgetown home has been very good. We had a few adventures. We visited family, celebrated birthdays, helped the kids move into their apartment, and I got Covid, etc. So much fun! Oh, and I’m also slowly killing all my rosebushes. I have no idea what’s happening but it doesn’t look good.
Football season is in full swing. Dale is already disappointed in the Cowboys and they’ve only played two games! But, he stands by them. Our family has a fantasy football league, maybe Dale will find some satisfaction in that. 😉
I didn’t want to let summer draw to a close without posting some photos. So, here I go …

Jordan turns 30!

UT’s First Football Game

I cannot believe I finally made it to the family blog! I’m doing the jig!
Great pictures and memories Kimberly Ann!