The Rhythms of Everyday Life

It had been a couple of years since we’d had this group of friends over for dinner. We had a really good time catching up.

It’s that time of year again when we seek out shaded parking, complain about the heat and only go walking very early or very late. This will be our norm for the next five to six months, but who’s complaining? I am.

I can hardly believe we are one week away from June. At this moment Dale and I are sitting in B&N staying cool and waiting to meet family for birthday dinner at Chuy’s. Two of my three children were born on May 30 and we are currently celebrating my daughter-in-law’s birthday, which was yesterday. Monday is Memorial Day and we are hosting a few family members for an afternoon cookout.

Since the beginning of the year we’ve hosted several folks for dinner, as well as had family spend the weekend. Everyone loves our new house, and we love sharing what the Lord has given us, especially if it means sharing a good meal around the table.

The cat seems less than impressed with the TV show I picked out for him.

Through the summer we have full-time house guests, our son and daughter-in-law and their two cats. We’ve developed a pretty good routine. I think the cats, Hank and Hazel, have become more comfortable with Dale and I since we are home all day with them. They know my limits too! Ha ha!

Summer Plans

In a just over a week Dale and I will be joining our oldest daughter and her family at the beach in the Florida panhandle. On our drive home we are staying overnight in Laurel, Mississippi and two nights in New Orleans. Laurel is where one of my favorite couples live, Erin and Ben Napier. They refurbish old homes and I watch it on Discovery +. We plan on checking out their hometown and some of the cute shops. While in New Orleans we plan on doing a couple of historical walking tours and other sightseeing.

We have no other plans for the summer except to visit the Sharricks in San Antonio and the Rusks in North Texas.

In late September we are headed to Spain for two-and-a-half weeks. We will be serving on a mission team from our church, just like I did last year, but this year Dale is coming too! We are really looking forward to that.

I got to attend our granddaughter’s UIL competition in April. She’s the only girl in the tuba section!

Our Next Major Road Trip

We are currently thinking hard about where we want to go in 2025. Right now it’s looking like the Dakotas, Great Lakes and the Smoky Mountains. We hope to go May through August. I think a few months in the summer will be good, especially since Dale and I will be busy at our church the rest of the year. As always, all things are in God’s hands, but planning is a good thing.

We joined the kids for a special UT family day and scrimmage.

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