Monthly Archive: May 2024


The Rhythms of Everyday Life

It’s that time of year again when we seek out shaded parking, complain about the heat and only go walking very early or very late. This will be our norm for the next five to six months, but who’s complaining? I am. I can hardly believe we are one week...


A Snowy May in Steamboat Springs

Steamboat Springs, Colorado is a winter ski resort destination producing more athletes for the Winter Olympics than any other town in North America. However, we didn’t expect to experience the “winter” part of its charm when we left a warm, muggy Central Texas for a four-day adventure. Dale and I...


Video: River Ranch Camp Trip

Williamson County has four major parks; Berry Springs Parks and Preserve, Champion Park, Southwest Williamson County Regional Park, and the newest addition, River Ranch County Park. This past weekend Dale and I camped at River Ranch, which has 1,354 acres of meadowlands, woodlands, and hills located between Leander and Liberty...