I’m Itching

I said that to Dale recently. “Dry skin?” he asks. I reply, “Nope, I’m just itching to get back on the road.”

I’m even looking at cars with cartop carriers longingly. “Remember when we used one of those honey?” Sigh.

It’s okay though. We’ve got a few adventures planned for this year. We have a wildflower drive mapped out for this weekend, we have a couple of camping trips yet to come, a Florida excursion in June and a two-and-a-half-week trip to Spain in the Fall.

The most important item on our list however, doesn’t involve planes, trains or automobiles, but rather a spiritual journey. We are helping our church start a class for new believers. It’s a much more difficult trip than traveling coast to coast because I am not in control. Yes, I know that I’m never really in control of anything. God is sovereign. But for someone driven by dates and lists, waiting on God’s timing and working with others who are less than time focused, requires trust. It’s definitely a faith-building task. More about that in another post. Now back to my itch…

Planning is a balm that relieves my itch quite a bit. I’m eyeing 2025 and what our travel possibilities may be. Since buying a home we have to be considerate of bills we didn’t have while on Moon River East 2022 and Moon River West 2023. We will also be involved in the new believers’ class for four months of the year. It limits our options a little bit. I love a challenge.

As Dale and I discuss our next trip, we agree we could definitely do the same trips again and love every minute. Nature, history, new friends, all of it was so good. But there’s still so much world to see. Maybe the Midwest? I don’t know. Of course the best thought is that the Lord will rapture the church soon, but should He tarry a bit longer, I need plans.

This is not the post I was planning. I intended to recap our recent camping trip and the eclipse. I’ll do that next. But I felt the need to jot down these thoughts. If I sound ungrateful, I’m not. At least I hope I’m not. I love being here in Georgetown. I love spending time with my family and friends. I love attending Central each week. But for just a few months a year I’d like to see more of God’s beautiful creation. He is so good to us.

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