It seems that many of our trips include waterfalls, which I love, and can’t get enough of. However, I understand that it may be a bit repetitive since they all look very similar, so I thought I’d put two waterfall trips into this one post. Tumalo Falls We visited Tumalo...
For our last Sunday in Bend, we headed to Sahalie Falls and Koosah Falls, which are located an hour away, along the West Cascades National Scenic Byway. It was a short but very beautiful trail, with two waterfalls more stunning than any of the other falls we’ve seen (and that’s...
I’ve been taught that “for every action there is a reaction”, and similarly that there is a “cause and effect” principle to be considered. There is no getting around it. I see these play out in my life every day. If I drink too much caffeine it takes me longer...
Knowing what I know now, it’s embarrassing to say that we stumbled upon a lava field and cinder cone by accident. We thought we were going for a sweet little hike about 12 miles outside of Bend, but ended up on top of Lava Butte (yes, Dale and I made...
On our third Saturday in Bend we headed about an hour north, near Terrebonne, to explore a very unique state park called Smith Rock. I think it is unique because of the extreme focus on it has on rock climbing. There are several thousand climbs in the park, including more...
Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while...
We’ve been in Bend for a couple of weeks now and are pretty well settled in. Our accommodations have been arranged to suit our daily routines, we know where the Walmart is located, and we’ve been attending a great church. Those are the priorities for every location. The location of...
Our first weekend in Oregon was an eventful one. On Saturday morning we drove half an hour northwest to the small town of Sisters for the Rodeo Parade. I was also able to get tickets to the rodeo for Sunday afternoon, so we headed back to Sisters after church the...
Warning, this post is extensive! I have been slowly working on it for days. Often the biggest part of keeping my blog updated is downloading my photos from the cloud, selecting and sizing the best ones, then uploading to my blog platform. It is so difficult to pick the best...
We hiked in a slot canyon! Months ago when we were planning this trip, we planned to hike one of the most famous slot canyons in the country “The Narrows” which is located in Zion National Park. We were so excited, but it was closed due to high water. We...
Take your everyday, ordinary life and place it before God as an offering. Embrace what God is doing for you. Romans 12:1
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