While we were in Asheville this past July we attended a dinner and concert at The Cove Training and Retreat Center. (You can read more about that here.) I had never heard of The Cove prior to that. After looking at the list of events they offer, Dale and I...
After leaving Williamsburg, Virgina we headed to Durham, North Carolina to take care of a sweet dog and elderly cat for a lady going to Europe on vacation. It was a week-long gig that provided lodging for us while we waited to attend a retreat at “The Cove” in Asheville...
We left Maine the morning of October 28 and began our journey south towards Williamsburg, Virginia with an overnight stay in Wilmington, Delaware. We arrived to Williamsburg the afternoon of the 29th and immediately headed for the Colonial Williamsburg Visitor Center. Our plan was to gather information for our next...
I want to post a few more photos from our Maine adventures. We are currently in Williamsburg, VA heading to Raleigh, NC when Dale gets off work this afternoon. We have a seven-day pet sitting gig starting tomorrow! We spent a wonderful four days here in Colonial Williamsburg. I’ll tell...
Take your everyday, ordinary life and place it before God as an offering. Embrace what God is doing for you. Romans 12:1
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The whole purpose of this blog is to keep you updated on what’s going on in our life. I invite you to visit often and leave a comment or two. I hope you enjoy it!
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