Monthly Archive: June 2022


Today’s the Day

In about an hour and a half we will hit the road for our big adventure. Once Dale’s work day is done, we’ll drive to my brother’s house in Rusk County for a short visit, then on to Asheville, NC by way of Little Rock and Nashville. It’s hard to...


Answered Prayers, Wedding Date Set!

We had one week where Dale, J and I would be together before leaving on our trip. I hoped, and prayed, that God would provide two things: a dress and a venue. He gave us both. All glory to Him for these gifts. If it had not happened, we would...


A Proposal is Accepted!

On June 3, atop a foggy mountain peak near Asheville, NC, our soon-to-be son-in-law asked J to marry him. The weather may not have cooperated but it didn’t seem to dampen the occasion. Dale and I are looking forward to hearing all the details when we see J later this...


Practical Application: Monthly Rental Living

One week ago today was Memorial Day. It seems like forever ago! We had a wonderful few days celebrating the holiday and the birthdays of our oldest and youngest children at Log Country Cove on Lake LBJ. It was so much fun! See photos here or watch the video. At...