When the Music Stops

While the music is playing, participants go around and around and around, preparing to take a seat as soon as the music stops. This “musical chairs” analogy comes to mind as I consider that every one in my immediate family is in the process of moving, or preparing to move. It is the strangest thing.
As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, Dale and I are putting everything in storage and hitting the open road. Our oldest and her husband are preparing to put their home on the market and are hoping to find the right next home. Our middle is leaving roommate life behind and getting her own place for a while, until she ties the knot with her permanent roommate next year! Ha! And our youngest, and his wife, are moving from one apartment to another in the same town. Anyone have some boxes they don’t want?
Once the dust settles, I expect that each of us will have found a place to land without too much pushing and shoving. Though little pushing may be necessary in this current, state-wide scuffle for affordable housing. Dale and I joke that once we sell our current home, we couldn’t afford to buy it back if we wanted to!
An old song says “This world is not my home I’m just a passing through” and the Bible tells us in Philippians that “… our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ…”
So much is changing but our future is secure, and that is where our peace comes from.
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