Our Last Normal Month?
I was telling Dale this morning that February may be our last month of “normal” living in our current home. If we list our home in March, potential home buyers will be scheduling walk throughs. We will have to be ready to get out of the house quickly, while leaving it in pristine condition. I have to say, it’s 85% exciting and 15% unnerving. Ha!
The stager came two weeks ago. Thankfully the house was in good shape and she had minimal suggestions. She was a no-nonsense, trendy lady, probably in her 60s, who removed this, moved that, adjusted other things and voilà! the house looked totally better. On Tuesday the photographer came. She spent two hours taking photos and make a 3D tour. We received a preview of the photos and they look great!

Did I mention that our friend, and brother-in-Christ, Ryan Beardmore is our Realtor? We have know Ryan and his family almost since we started attending Central Baptist. Our friend, Shari, reminded me that Ryan was a Realtor and we feel so comfortable and blessed to be able to partner with him for this huge, life-changing event.
Another exciting event was the purchase of our new car last Saturday. It’s a Subaru Outback Limited. It is by far the nicest car we’ve ever had. It has so many features, rides so well and is extremely comfortable. It will be perfect for our Moon River road trip. As a matter of fact, we’ve named it our “Moon Rover”. Ha!

At this moment Dale and I are sitting in Barnes & Noble. He’s working on the ABF lesson and I’m…blogging! I believe that God will provide leaders for our ABF group, and the mentoring ministry. The Elders are currently searching for a replacement for Dale. We may be leaving this area but we are taking Central with us. We are still members, we will stay as up to date as possible and of course we will continue to tithe. I may be able to assist with the mentoring ministry from a distance. Not sure what the Lord has in mind, but we trust him.
Last weekend was an amazing weekend. On Friday afternoon D and A invited us out to dinner. While we were at Hopdoddy ordering J walks in! Sneaky! Then Saturday morning we bought our Moon Rover, then we all met at a Waffle Shop for brunch. Next was a very beautiful hike along the San Gabrial River starting from Tejas Park. Our oldest daughter and her family also enjoyed the beautiful North Texas day by taking a walk. I guess we were all in the mood to get outside.

We concluded the weekend attending worship services. What a wonderful weekend!
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