Monthly Archive: September 2021


Timing is Everything.

Our plans for selling the house and hitting the road (aka Moon River) are briskly moving forward. It’s hard to believe that we are really doing this! Dale and I had a good discussion this morning about the best timing for alerting our church family of our plans. We want...


September is off to a Great Start!

The first weekend of the month we helped A. & D. get moved into their new apartment. A. drove the truck like a champ! We collected items for the new apartment from four locations on Friday evening and on Saturday morning several friends from church were there to help us...


Back to School!

*Note: I am publishing this late! Another school year has begun. I always enjoy this time of year, seeing photos of family members headed back to school. When my children were in school, getting school supplies was one thing I really enjoyed. I’ve always loved school and office supplies. It...