Monthly Archive: June 2021


The End of June

It’s hard to believe tomorrow is the first day of July. June was an eventful month in some aspects and very low key in others. J was here at the first of the month and we had the opportunity to have her new boyfriend, J, over for dinner on June...


Summer Highs

We swore years ago that we would never do it again, and yet, here we are. It’s 97 degrees and we are tent camping. I thought we could get away with it before summer fully kicks in but no such luck. Though as I start this post, I’m as chill...


Our Trip to the North Carolina Coast

It was an amazing couple of weeks. I have been looking forward our North Carolina vacation ever since C invited us to join her family earlier this year. About a week before the departure approached, I got my second COVID vaccine and it made me sick, sick, sick. I was...